The 2021 Doctoral Program in Quantum Information is now over!
The Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (QICS) awarded two doctoral programs related to quantum information, from both the physics and computer science point of view.
On May 21st, the 6 projects have been selected by the QICS jury 6 students have been auditioned afterwards.
Go here to get more information
Master Quantum Information ; Sorbonne University opens a master program dedicated to Quantum Information in Paris! This program is supported by the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (QICS), the Computer Science Master Department, and Physics Master Department. Experts from Sorbonne Université labs (LIP6, LKB, INSP, INRIA, etc.) will be part of this program divided into two main specialties the 1st year (computer science and physics) and with a joint course the second year.
To know more about this Master program
Scientific mediation in quantum information ; the objective of this short training course is to give, to PhD students working in one of the thematics of quantum information, the keys to answer easily these questions to the widest possible audience. This training course offers them the opportunity to collaborate all together. Thanks to this transdisciplinarity and cooperation, they also complete their knowledge, transmit it and create new joint projects.
Learn here more information about the training course
…accessible only to PhD students and post-doc
Our second small seminar, the new monthly event done for them, by them and only between them, will be on July the 7th !
The purpose of this monthly event is to bring together doctoral and post-doctoral students working on diverse and varied thematics of quantum information in order to discover their very wide range, from core thematics to related subjects. Through this interdisciplinarity, they will be able, on the one hand, to complete and share their knowledge, and on the other hand, to bring out collaborations and joint projects.
More information here
If you are already interested, just send back an email to qics@sorbonne-universite.fr
On May 18th, Sorbonne Université interviewed our colleague Eleni Diamanti regarding Quantum cryptography, the new Paris Center for Quantum Technologies and her role as a woman in science.
Go here to read the complete article
To know more about the QICS, its community, the Co-directors, our ambitions for quantum information in Paris and Sorbonne Université and our goal, go here to listen to Frédéric Grosshans and Nicolas Treps (in French only)
The quantum information Center Sorbonne is taking part to The Festives(November 25th to 27th) & Fête de la science (5th to 10th October). Both events, coordinated by Sorbonne Université would be the occasion to present and display the video and game developed by the QICS PhD & Post-doc community.
More information coming soon!
Don’t hesitate to contribute by sending us, at qics@sorbonne-universite.fr, any relevant news or material related to Quantum information. You can also use the mailing list at qics-info@listes.upmc.fr to share important information with the community.